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Build a website, it's easy and free

Professional developers can freely access the code, exchanging their knowledge and contributions with the rest of the open-source community

Beautiful Website

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when .

Modern Design

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when .

Easy Interface

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when .

Drag and Drop

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when .

Online Store

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when .

Easy Interface

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when .

Create a beautiful website easily with Microweber

Microweber is an open-source content management system and website builder. It is based on the PHP programming language and the Laravel 5 web application framework, using drag and drop and allowing users to quickly create content, while scheduling and managing multiple displays.

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Microweber is an open-source content management system and website builder. It is based on the PHP programming language and the Laravel 5 web application framework, using drag and drop and allowing users to quickly create content, while scheduling and managing multiple displays.

Create a beautiful website easily with Microweber

Microweber is an open-source content management system and website builder. It is based on the PHP programming language and the Laravel 5 web application framework, using drag and drop and allowing users to quickly create content, while scheduling and managing multiple displays.

Do design and code

Microweber is an open-source content management system and website builder. It is based on the PHP programming language and the Laravel 5 web application framework, using drag and drop and allowing users to quickly create content, while scheduling and managing multiple displays.

Do design and code

Microweber is an open-source content management system and website builder. It is based on the PHP programming language and the Laravel 5 web application framework, using drag and drop and allowing users to quickly create content, while scheduling and managing multipledisplays.

Create a beautiful website easily with Microweber

Microweber is an open-source content management system and website builder. It is based on the PHP programming language and the Laravel 5 web application framework, using drag and drop and allowing users to quickly create content, while scheduling and managing multiple displays.

Drag and drop, open source content management system

Microweber is an open-source content management system and website builder. It is based on the PHP programming language and the Laravel 5 web application framework, using drag and drop and allowing users to quickly create content, while scheduling and managing multiple displays.

Build a website, it's easy and free

Professional developers can freely access the code, exchanging their knowledge and contributions with the rest of the open-source community

It is the new generation

Microweber is an open-source content management system and website builder. It is based on the PHP programming language and the Laravel 5 web application framework.

Unique design

Microweber is an open-source content management system and website builder. It is based on the PHP programming language and the Laravel 5 web application framework.

Explore the features

A Slider

Your text here.

Making the web a better place with Microweber

Microweber is an open-source content management system and website builder. It is based on the PHP programming language and the Laravel 5 web application framework, using drag and drop and allowing users to quickly create content, while scheduling and managing multiple displays.

Making the web a better place with Microweber

Microweber is an open-source content management system and website builder. It is based on the PHP programming language and the Laravel 5 web application framework, using drag and drop and allowing users to quickly create content, while scheduling and managing multiple displays.

Create a beautiful website easily with Microweber

Microweber is an open-source content management system and website builder. It is based on the PHP programming language and the Laravel 5 web application framework, using drag and drop and allowing users to quickly create content, while scheduling and managing multiple displays.


It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.


It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

Create a beautiful website easily with Microweber

Microweber is an open-source content management system and website builder. It is based on the PHP programming language and the Laravel 5 web application framework, using drag and drop and allowing users to quickly create content, while scheduling and managing multiple displays.

A Slider

Your text here.

Create a beautiful website easily with Microweber

Microweber is an open-source content management system and website builder. It is based on the PHP programming language and the Laravel 5 web application framework, using drag and drop and allowing users to quickly create content, while scheduling and managing multiple displays.

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18-20 SEP

Webit.Festival 2020 Valencia, Spain

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable.

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Poštovani korisnici,   Ovim putem Vas obavještavamo da će se mobilno reciklažno dvorište postavljati po naseljima…

Nabava goriva za vozila i strojeve


  Poziv na dostavu ponuda.pdf   Prilog-1-ponudbeni-list.docx   Prilog-2-troskovnik.xlsx   Odluka o poništenju postupka.pdf

Izmjena u rasporedu odvoza otpada


Poštovani korisnici,   obavještavamo Vas o izmjenama u rasporedu odvoza otpada zbog nadolazećih blagdana: 26. prosinca…

Promjene radnog vremena reciklažnog dvorišta


Poštovani korisnici,   ovim putem Vas obavještavamo da zbog nadolazećeg blagdana, reciklažno dvorište Marija Bistrica…

Promjene radnog vremena reciklažnog dvorišta


Poštovani korisnici,   ovim putem Vas obavještavamo da zbog nadolazećeg blagdana, reciklažno dvorište Marija Bistrica…

Obavijest o rasporedu postavljanja reciklažnog dvorišta


Poštovani korisnici,  Ovim putem Vas obavještavamo da će se mobilno reciklažno dvorište postavljati po naseljima…

Promjena radnog vremena reciklažnog dvorišta


Poštovani korisnici,   zbog korištenja godišnjih odmora reciklažno dovrište Marija Bistrica neće biti otvoreno dana…

Javno savjetovanje o prijedlogu cjenika usluge prikupljanja miješanog komunalnog otpada na području Općine Marija Bistrica


RAZLOG DONOŠENJA Člankom 77. stavak 3. Zakona o gospodarenju otpadom (Narodne novine br. 84/21, 142,23) propisana je obveza…

Obavijest o neradnom danu i promjeni radnog vremena


Poštovani korisnici,   ovim putem Vas obavještavamo da je zbog održavanja parlamentarnih izbora srijeda 17. travnja…

Promjene radnog vremena reciklažnog dvorišta


Poštovani korisnici,   ovim putem Vas obavještavamo da zbog nadolazećih blagdana, reciklažno dvorište Marija Bistrica…

Obavijest o postavljanju mobilnog reciklažnog dvorišta


Poštovani korisnici,   Ovim putem Vas obavještavamo da će se mobilno reciklažno dvorište postavljati po naseljima…

POZIV NA DOSTAVU PONUDA - gorivo za vozila i strojeve


1. JAVNI NARUČITELJ  Lijepa Bistrica d.o.o. Trg pape Ivana Pavla II 34 49246 Marija Bistrica OIB: 82413603496  2. PREDMET…

Obavijest o radovima


Poštovani korisnici,   Ovim putem vas obavještavamo da zbog radova na prilaznoj cesti reciklažno dvorište Marija Bistrica…

Natječaj za prodaju rabljenog teretnog vozila


Temeljem članka 10. Izjave o osnivanju društva Lijepa Bistrica d.o.o. i Odluke o prodaji rabljenog teretnog vozila Urbroj:…

Obavijest o glomaznom otpadu


Poštovani,  Temeljem članka 64. stavak 3. Zakona o gospodarenju otpadom (NN 84/21) jedinica lokalne samouprave dužna…

Obavijest o rasporedu postavljanja mobilnog reciklažnog dvorišta


Poštovani korisnici,Ovim putem Vas obavještavamo da će se mobilno reciklažno dvorište postavljati po naseljima (osim…

Izvješće o provedbi projekta "Komunalna vozila za ljepšu Bistricu"


Trgovačko društvo Lijepa Bistrica d.o.o. je u travnju 2020. godine izvršilo prijavu na Poziv za nabavu komunalnih vozila…

Izmjene radnog vremena (2.5.23. - 31.8.23.)


Obavještavaju se cijenjeni korisnici da komunalno društvo Lijepa Bistrica d.o.o. od 2. svibnja 2023. godine započinje…

Obavijest o rasporedu postavljanja mobilnog reciklažnog dvorišta


Poštovani korisnici, Ovim putem Vas obavještavamo da će se mobilno reciklažno dvorište postavljati po naseljima (osim…

[PONIŠTENO] Poziv za dostavu ponuda za nabavu goriva za vozila


JAVNI NARUČITELJ Lijepa Bistrica d.o.o. Trg pape Ivana Pavla II 34 49246 Marija Bistrica 0IB: 82413603496   PREDMET NABAVE…

Edukativne radionice


U Osnovnoj školi Marija Bistrica te Dječjem vrtiću Pušlek održane su edukativne radionice o pravilnom odlaganju otpada u…